NuWest - NWV-201 Penelope Whipped!
Duración: 25:16
Vistas: 17K
Agregado: 3 años atrás
NuWest - NWV-201 Penelope Whipped!
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Beautiful woman with an unshaven body. Love her hairy armpits and pussy. Great set of tits.
Ed Lee is an artist with the whip and he always has this eagerly interested look in his eyes.
Is this Ed Lee? Naw, naw, now! This man whips casually has no real interest in his subject, the radio in the background gets on one's nerves, sometimes louder, sometimes less.
Is it Ed Lee in younger years, could 1993 have been enough?
Hardly imaginable. Only the snarling mumbling language gives a hint.
One other thing, however: with the Lee videos, the whip is never seen touching the back or wherever the body. Neither does it make a mark, there may be 100 hits - no marks. Compare this with other homemade videos of whipped women: they do show marks!
So why not here? Do they use such a light whip? Do they have another trick? Is the sound not real but later fit in? I would like to know since regularly no female body could take over 200 such hits as according to the quick movement of the whip like here, and show no trace of it, it's just not in the nature of the modern softened human body and its skin.
So, does anyone know the answer to this question?
Oh my, that radio s-u-c-k-s: qua-qua-qua and the most trashy of pop 'music' - it disturbs the sound of the whip! It adds a type of auto repair shop mediumwave pocket radio distraction to it that is not needed. Pity, since the slashing sound on her skin is quite good.