Duración: 48:13
Vistas: 154K
Agregado: 3 años atrás
a rare fisting
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They should have taught this stupid cubt cunt to fear and obey. Women are only good for one thing, or three if you count by hole. They mouth off and disobey and then act surprised when they get a corrective beating:
she wasn't ready for FA yet! she never sits still, it's frustrating not to see what one would expect!
nice chubby teen fuckhole
Really love it when they push the dildo down the whore's throat. And when she fell off the couch, was ordered to get back on, and obeyed without a word. Who do you think taught her to behave: uncle or daddy?
Wish uncle bootleg was on this series, he would have destroyed these bitches
FF, it's a whore, not a human: it's name doesn't matter. Eventually somebody will brand a code on its cface, thighs. And ass explaining the price for each hole.
What is her real name?
She is pregnant now by the way
A girl this pretty doesn't belong in porn. She should be the property of a single man,one who'll guide and protect and rule her for her own good. It would take a few months of daily beating and facefuck, but in the end she could be redeemed and be a good mommy and wife.
I can fix her.
She is 19 and full try for face fucking
In retrospect we see that this cunt is one of the annoying type that moves the hands all the time not letting men enjoy the party as they wish. That's why it is so important that around the 19 minutes they shove the dildo and hold the hands. The defeat is final and the lesson for beginners among us is crucial. Whores have no need of hands. So do what ever you want but first neutralize the hands
This scene is like they are teaching her how to gag and choke on dick. In my perverted mind I imagine them as two Sunday School teachers teaching her in a Sunday School class while everyone else is praising in the main sanctuary.
This, Tia Ling, and the infamous Mayli vids are what got me into FA.
Who is the SHE you guys keep referring to? All I saw was an arrogant, disobedient cunt getting only half of what it deserved. SHE impliws a decent woman who respevts the superiority of all men and only fucks the mam who owns her. A porn srar is an IT.
Indeed getting the plunger in her mouth is great. What makes it so hot is that they neutralize her hands. Dildo in your mouth, hands can't move and you can sing your safe word all day long ....