FACE FUCKING - Shelby Paris
Duración: 53:19
Vistas: 248K
Agregado: 3 años atrás
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she is not beautiful and she is also overweight but it was really nice to see how the boys fucked her mouth! good job!
She is kind of hot for me. Not experienced in sexy moves visibly
, but cute, nervous at first
. Love that ribbon tattoos on her back thighs
. And love how roughly they took her to action at the beginning
She could be little skinnier (like me
), but boobies are perfectly shaped. Concept is also hot I think, just in that cage should be something normal, not whale on the beach
Truly a disgusting pig. I dearly hope some real man kicked in its door one night and taught it that no woman has rights. This pig needs to realize that it doesn't own its body; it rents it, and serving men is the rent payment. It should be left alive but with nightmares that never stop. And there's no reason not to take its teeth, hands, or feet.
She is horribly ugly btw
Guys like cuck in video should be forbidden from having wifes,he is too ugly
Reminds me of stepmom
can't even look at this donkey-faced skank. what a fail shoot
god fucking dammit look at that fat whale's filthy dirt covered feet. i hope she didnt even shower before the scene & smelled like hot garbage for that sick fuck. some dudes are into that
lmao what the hell