Cara's Institute Vignette And Spanking (part 2 Of 2)
Duración: 4:53
Vistas: 23K
Agregado: 6 meses atrás
Miss Betty returns with a strap and has Cara lay flat on the stool. She is spanked hard until she is red and bruised. Cara then dresses and hurries to class.
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Excellent details showing here.
Nicely done. This is the sort of treatment girls need to keep them from developing into feminists, dykes, or other species of pig. Requiring the girl to display her pussy before the strapping but to close her legs during it reinFORBIDDEN the facts that she, like all women, exist primarily to sexually service men AND that her body is the property of her father until she is wed or sold and her eventual husband's or pimp's thereafter.
I could wish they'd shown some punches, slaps, or other abuse. As all women are morons, they learn best with, say, a dislocated shoulder or FORBIDDEN nose. But this was only RSN.