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Prettyvictimhannah's Profile

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Country: Germany
City: no info
Joined: 2 years ago
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
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Age: 20
Sexual orientation: Straight
Favorites: 41 videos
About me: Hey, I am Hannah! 18 y/o, jewish (a kike) and experienced a lot of bad stuff which resulted in me having traumas, severe depression and ptsd. But also i grew up learning my place beneath men. We women are worthless, hail the patriarchy and men should be allowed to do whatever they want with us. There shoudln´t be any charges for any type of sexual crime against us and even murdering a women should be legal for a men. I am very fucked up if you didn´t know already, I am a huge sub and misogynists and just love seeing men brutally violating women <3