FACE FUCKING - Tiffany Wells
Duration: 49:46
Views: 158K
Submitted: 3 years ago
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Personally I think they took it easy on her.
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This is one of those bitches who refuses to smile when complimented and then acts surprised when the guy trying to be nice decides to just take what he wants. She needs a nice ghetto gangbang to teach her that the world doesn't care what women want.
Nice tits.
Whores have no need of hands. They should have tied hers behind her back and still made her do the scene. She would have whined about consent but that just makes for a better show. Personally I'd just apply a meat cleaver to her wrists so she'd have to stop with the writing nonsense. You were born to be fuckmeat, bitch. Accept it.
for being 18 and her first porn she was really good
She deserved this. Uppity bitch and probably a dyke. She needed to be put in her place before some guy at the bus stop decided to do it harder. Don't think she learned her lesson here so probably that happened anyway.
18 year old closeup barfing her guts out on dick 24:25
Cock is my favorite toy
final cut pro lmfao
100% agree, bootleg would have fucking rocked this chick. She could have been pushed more for sure
This piggy's parents really dropped the ball. With those udders, hips, and face, it would have been an excellent wife if it had been trained properly in childhood. This is why you have to administer the verbal and physical discipline of a wife in front of her daughters and have somebody ready to deflower a girl on her 18th. And of course sending a girl to school past 6th grade is folly. Women only need to knoe how to read well enough to follow recipes and cleaning instructions. This girl was damaged goods.
Bootleg would have made this scene better, but Harker did a pretty good job with a chick that could have been pushed further imo...
36:34 fuck yeah
Her real name is Ashley Quinn
Fucked the hoe well
İ love this bitcchh sooo muchhh